
What is Cold Storage & How Does It Work? (Part 2)

February 10, 2023
What is Cold Storage & How Does It Work? (Part 2)

Cold storage is an essential part of many industries, providing a safe and controlled environment for the preservation of various products. From food to cosmetics, medicine to textiles, cold storage systems ensure that these products remain in top condition until they reach their final destination.

Uses of Cold Storage

Cold storage is used in a variety of industries for the preservation of perishable products. In the food industry, it is used to store frozen or refrigerated items such as meats, dairy products, and fruits and vegetables. In the pharmaceutical industry, cold storage is essential for maintaining the potency and efficacy of sensitive medications. The cosmetic industry also relies on cold storage to keep skincare and cosmetic products at the right temperature to ensure their quality and longevity. Cold storage is also used in the textile industry to preserve the quality of delicate fabrics, such as silk and cashmere.

Types of Cold Storage Systems

Cold storage rooms are large, temperature-controlled storage areas used for the long-term storage of perishable products. Several types of cold storage systems include walk-in refrigerators, blast freezers, and cold storage rooms. For smaller applications, walk-in refrigerators are the most common type of cold storage system and are used for a variety of purposes, from storing food to storing pharmaceuticals. For more typical high-rack bulk storage, larger facilities with cold storage construction attributes built into the structure are more common, utilizing under slab heat, central refrigeration plants, etc. Transcritical CO2 & Cascade Ammonia are a few of the types of refrigeration systems utilized for these facilities

Benefits of Cold Storage Systems

Cold storage systems have several benefits that make them essential to many industries. These benefits include:

  1. Prolonged shelf life: By maintaining the right temperature, cold storage systems can help extend the shelf life of perishable products.
  2. Increased safety: Cold storage systems help prevent the growth of bacteria, yeast, and mold that can harm products and people.
  3. Reduced waste: By extending the shelf life of products, cold storage systems help reduce the amount of waste generated by spoilage.
  4. Better quality: By maintaining the right temperature, cold storage systems help to preserve the quality of perishable products, ensuring they reach their final destination in top condition.

Challenges Associated with Cold Storage

Despite the abundance of uses that cold storage facilities offer; it does have its challenges. These include:

  1. Energy costs: Cold storage systems require significant energy to maintain the right temperature, which can be expensive. In some instances, the required amount of energy to support a typical refrigeration plant may not be available. This is where having a knowledgeable Construction Manager with experience in this asset class can assist with offering various solutions for alternate systems.
  2. NYS Local Law requirements can hinder the ability for a standard refrigeration system to be considered and/or allowed. There are, however, systems that exist that are compliant with these new local laws to which are currently being designed and installed.
  3. Maintenance costs: Cold storage systems require regular maintenance to ensure that they function properly, and the temperature remains consistent.
  4. Limited space: Cold storage systems can take up a lot of space, making it difficult to find the right location for them. Increased building height is typically the best means to mitigate this.

In conclusion, cold storage is essential to many industries, providing a safe and controlled environment for preserving perishable products. Whether used in the food, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, textile, or any other industry, cold storage systems ensure that products remain in top condition until they reach their final destination. The key to choosing the correct type of system comes down to the experience of the professionals who understand them and have installed them. Please feel free to reach out to Aurora Contractors with any questions you may have about your upcoming cold storage project so that we may help you consider the best options for your project.